Mobility Scooters
This page will help you find the best mobility scooter to buy that suits your individual needs. You can select below from ultra lightweight folding mobility scooters to robust long distant all terrain electric scooters. Select a size and explore our extensive range of electric mobility scooter options and functions to find which mobility scooter is best for you.
Portable Mobility Scooters
Portable mobility scooters are lightweight electric mobility scooters that can easily fit into small spaces. They are either foldable or easily dismantle into pieces for ease of access when you're on go. Below you will find the best travel scooters that will easily fit into car boots also known by the name boot scooters. Electric boot scooters are easy to maneouver and ideal for indoor shopping use.
Small & Medium Mobility Scooters
Small mobility scooters are suitable for smooth and level terrain perfect for indoor use such as shopping centres. These electric mobility scooters can often fold or disassemble, making them ideal for transport and storage however they are not as lightweight as the portable scooters above. They are ideal for the user who wants to travel short distances on a daily basis (below 20 km).
Medium mobility scooters are suitable for more varied outdoor terrain and limited indoor use. They are a good indoor to outdoor option and ideal for the user who wants to travel short to medium distances on a daily basis. This would include those wishing to travel to and around the shops (20km – 30 km).
Large Mobility Scooters
The large mobility scooters are ideal outdoor electric mobility scooters, they are suitable for users who wants to travel outdoors on pavements on a daily basis (20 km – 30 km). Our large mobility scooters provide an extensive choice for people looking to buy an electric scooter, look for the * as these have battery upgrade options to provide a longer range if distance is something you are looking for from your mobility scooter.
Extra Large Mobility Scooters
These scooters can handle rougher terrain and steep hills. They are a great outdoor option and ideal for the user who wants to travel long distances on a daily basis (30 km – 40 km). Some are considered all terrain mobility scooters, they are heavy duty and built to last. The battery * allows for a battery upgrade, this will allow a wider range on one charge if distance is something you are looking for from your electric scooter. Please see individual product page for more details.
XX Large Mobility Scooters
These mobility scooters are similar to the large range. They can handle rougher terrain and steep hills. They are a great outdoor option and ideal for a heavier user who wants to travel longer distances on a daily basis (30 km – 50 km). The battery * allows for a battery upgrade, this will allow a wider range on one charge if distance is something you are looking for from your electric scooter. Please see individual product page for more details.